Friday, December 21, 2012

Remembering A Friend

I hope this is the saddest post I'll ever write.  Two years ago today, my friend Bill Savage died in a car accident.  I've known for months, since around the time we started this blog, how I'd commemorate this day.

I bought Sinful Colors Savage thinking of him and I haven't worn it until today.  It reminds me of him every time I see it.

The Kool-Aid Man was an inside joke.  It was gonna say "Hey Willis" on the middle finger and "Bush Lied" on the ring...but I'm not good enough with my nail art brushes yet.  No one else in the world knows why, now that he's dead.  It makes me laugh, thinking about the source of the joke, but hurts too.

Savage was only 26, his widow had just turned 22.  It was four days before xmas.  The whole story is too sad to tell, as if that wasn't enough.  I've lost touch with her, but I hope she's coping as best she can and that her xmas is the best it can be...that her life after Savage is the best it can be.

I'm sorry for such a downer post this close to xmas.  I miss you, Savage!


  1. So sorry for your loss... It must be especially hard around the holidays! I think it's great that you dedicated this post and your mani to him... He lives through yours and other people's memories!

    1. Thank you. The timing just made it seem so much worse. I really hope his widow and family manage to enjoy xmas with memories of him. :(


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