Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Highs and Lows of the Holidays

Post-Holiday is my favorite time of year for shopping. Everything goes on clearance in an effort to make room for new things. I was as Target last night with my favorite enabler, and I spotted one of the ELF stocking stuffers. It was this color, and a pink to be named later. Originally priced at $2.99 for two mini polishes, I thought it was a good deal then. I took this over to the scanner....TWENTY-NINE CENTS. Of course, it came home with me. (I also picked up a regular sized bottle for $0.19) This might be the least expensive bottle of polish I have ever purchased. So naturally, I had to top it with the most expensive bottle of polish I had: the Zoya 18k topcoat. I think they go fabulously together. It gives me a very far-eastern feel.

Colors Used:
ELF "Teal Green" 
Zoya 18k topcoat

This stuff is a little streaky on longer nails. I needed four thin coats to get it to an acceptable level. Don't care...$0.145!!!!
absolutely reminds me of Gumby. I can see a goofy bit of nail art in my future.

this is the 18k topcoat alone. No added topcoat here. It's so shiny!

I love mini polishes!


  1. Haha that was a funny post! :D That price might be a record, because it's seriously SUPER low! My cheapest polish might have been around an Euro, so a little more than one Dollar. And the most expensive... a Dior.

    That combo looks great, but I firmly believe 18k looks amazing over anything ;)!

    1. agreed. I didn't want to like the 18k stuff, but I do. I tried to convince myself that it was silly and I didn't need it...but I adore it!


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